On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 1:29 AM Marshall Clow via Boost-users < boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote:
The second release candidates for the 1.72.0 release are now available at:
The SHA256 checksums are as follows:
247a91dd7e4d9dd3c4b954b532fbc167ba62dc15ab834e5ad893d7c3f9eb5f0f ./boost_1_72_0_rc2.7z 59c9b274bc451cf91a9ba1dd2c7fdcaf5d60b1b3aa83f2c9fa143417cc660722 ./boost_1_72_0_rc2.tar.bz2 c66e88d5786f2ca4dbebb14e06b566fb642a1a6947ad8cc9091f9f445134143f ./boost_1_72_0_rc2.tar.gz 8c20440aaba21dd963c0f7149517445f50c62ce4eb689df2b5544cc89e6e621e ./boost_1_72_0_rc2.zip
Changes since RC1: * A change to Boost.Proto that would cause compilation failures on the latest MS compiler.
As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report both success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy.
-- The Boost Release Managers
Looks good for Windows/Visual Studio toolset arch compile Link Execute msvc-10.0 32 X X X msvc-10.0 64 X X X msvc-11.0 32 X X X msvc-11.0 64 X X X msvc-12.0 32 X X X msvc-12.0 64 X X X msvc-14.0 32 X X X msvc-14.0 64 X X X msvc-14.1 32 X X X msvc-14.1 64 X X X msvc-14.2 32 X X X msvc-14.2 64 X X X Compile means that the b2 command completed without errors Link means that visual studio was able to link a sample executable to a library (libboost_thread-vcXXX-mt[-gd]-1_XX.lib) generated Execute means that the linked program executed without errors. Full build logs can be found here: https://gist.github.com/teeks99/bde6541124ffe17240f543e77683cede Tom