Hi, how can I get the path where b2 placed the binaries of boost tests? Problem is the following: some of the tests need the path to a shared library, which is built together with the tests. in the lib/mylib/tests/Jamfile.v2 I have the following: [...] # our test lib for shared library tests lib test_library : test_library.cpp ; test-suite mylib : # # shared library # [ run shared_library_load_test.cpp ] [ run shared_library_get_symbol_test.cpp ] # # [...] Inside shared_library_*_test.cpp I need something like this: boost::filesystem::path tstlib("bin.v2/libs/mylib/test/mycompiler/test_library.so"); As boost.build decides by itself where to put the binary, i cannot hardcode the path in the source-files.. Is there a way to get the path from boost.build? If not, how could I solve this problem? -- regards dib