Jeff Garland wrote:
Is there some kind of Boost convention or policy on whether a library should offer a comprehensive "declare everything in the library" header in addition to more targeted headers?
Personally, I avoid the "comprehensive" headers. I personally feel uncomfortable with the idea if including unused stuff as a side effect. This is especially true now that this extra stuff may include templates. This is one reason that the serialization library has no such "comprehensive" header defined. The other reason is that it's not clear how much such a header might include - all possible archives? all stl serialization. etc. Finally, at least in the serialization library, the mere inclusion of a header can result in the instantiation of code which is never called - thereby adding to code bloat. So, I think the issue would be best addressed by discouraging the creation and usage of "comprehensive" headers. Of course, for me that is not a big issue as I avoid their usage in any case. Now, that does raise the issue that sometimes a compilation error arise for the lack of a specific header and that the error message is non-obvious. I'm not sure, but perhaps this can be alleviated by more/better usage of concept checking in library headers.
There are header and directory policies:
LOL - amazing that I had never seen this before. I think
this needs a little updating. It seems to me that
the creation of something like