Group, I recently found the boost::range library. It seems very useful. An annoyance that I have with STL algorithms is that they are very verbose. Most of the time I need to do something over the entire range. I'm sure I'm not alone here. At any rate, I can easily do this: template< typename Range, typename Pred > inline typename boost::range_iterator<Range>::type find_if( Range& c, Pred pred ) { return std::find_if( boost::begin( c ), boost::end( c ), pred ); } Which then allows me to do this: void foo() { typedef std::vector <int> V_INT; V_INT v; v.push_back(1); v.push_back(2); v.push_back(3); V_INT::iterator it = find_if(v, std::bind2nd(std::equal_to<int>(), 2)); } Perfect. Exactly what I want. Search the entire vector, and I give it a predicate. I could easily create these functions for copy_if, erase_if, find_if, and for_each. My question: Do I need to go ahead and create the tiny wrapper functions, or do they already exist somewhere in Boost? If they exist already, I prefer to use those. Thank you in advance, Kirk