Chris Brewer à ecrit: Hello, all-
I recently attempted to build and install boost 1.31.0 using msys (i.e., mingw). I enter the boost directory and start bjam with:
bjam -sTOOL=mingw install
with absence of parameter, bjam compiles with VC7. and if you read http://www.boost.org/more/getting_started.html, chapter 5 you notice that the parameter TOOL take a S at end. And if you make a mistake, It's as if you do not put parameter.
...and then I see bjam invoking vc7 instead of gcc. For example:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\VC7\bin\cl" ... followed by many, many errors, as VC7 is not installed on my system.
With no parameter or bad parameter, bjam compiles with VC7
I don't understand why bjam thinks it should be using VC7. Can anyone offer any advice or a workaround?