8 Jan
8 Jan
2:02 a.m.
At 06:54 PM 1/5/2002, wayneconrad wrote:
Is there any interest in a weak pointer that plays well with shared_ptr and its friends?
Both Greg Colvin and Peter Dimov (and others?) have worked on the idea off and on. I think they are "on" at the moment. On the main Boost list we are also looking hard at the Loki::SmartPtr. It would be interesting to try to implement cyclic_ptr, weak_ptr, and the like as a SmartPtr OwnershipPolicy. The thinking is that the future of smart pointers isn't to keep adding completely separate classes. But rather to add more instances of policy classes to a Loki::SmartPtr style framework. (For more information, see Modern C++ Design by Andrei Alexandrescu. Highly recommended!) --Beman