Hi Germain,
You might want to study the standard C++ "Facets". I did spot an
article by an eminent lady software professional about facets
somewhere on the Internet around a year back - it was probably a book.
You'll find details about facets in "The C++ Programming Language,
Special 3rd Edition". ALSO, you can also find the complete
"Facets-related" content of the book ("The C++ Programming Language,
Special 3rd Edition") on the website of Bjarne Stroustrup - the C++
inventor. However, you might want to check out the portability issues
& support of various compilers.
On 6/18/08, Germain BARRET
What is good way to obtain the locale settings of the system ? I've seen that test_locale.cpp is stored in regress... so if it is deprecated, what is the up to date method ?
For example if I want to obtain the LCID (codes in 2 parts giving locale language) what can I use ?
I don't want to treat numbers, money or so what.. but only get langage !!! Can I do it with boost ?