I use /Zm800 when building boost - including the serialization library I've been unable to make the demo.cpp to compile and execute successfully on msvc 6. Same problem as you have. My test matrix does show demo_xml building a running as advertised. The test matrix shows a fair number of failures for msvc 6 - its the platform with the worst results. I had to spend a lot of time just get it to pass as much as it does. If you expect to make good usage of boost you should find a way to upgrate to VC 7.1 - its much, much better in this context. Robert Ramey Ira wrote:
I am a newbie who is trying out the serialization library. In that article, there is a demo program (demo.cpp) that i am trying to build. Along with several warnings ('dynamic_cast' used on polymorphic type...), the compiler is generating the following error:
fatal error C1076: compiler limit : internal heap limit reached; use /Zm to specify a higher limit
I have tried various values for /Zm (200 is recomended) and either i still receive this error, or if increase the value too much, the compiler generates the following error:
fatal error C1204: compiler limit : internal structure overflow
Since this seesaw response doesn't seem correct, i am wondering if there is a particular flag or combination thereof that would correct this problem?
Thank you.