On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 17:46:26 -0800, Jalon, Arnon wrote:
Hi, I am new to the list. Appologies in advance if I'm posting something that's been already addressed, but I was unable to find anything related to it while searching the archives.
I'm trying to use the date_time serialization headers in my application. I'm actually using the boost headers and libraries that came with the fedora core 3 linux distribution, and compiling with gcc 3.4.2.
Including boost/date_time/time_serialize.hpp in my source gives me several compilation errors. I perused the time_serialize.hpp and greg_serialize.hpp headers and found places where the typename keyword was being used in front of class types that were simply qualified by namespace, as well functions where variables were used that weren't declared.
I modified the headers to get it to compile, but would like to see if anyone else has been able to work around the problem in a less intrusive way? If need be I can post the patch files I created to a proper place.
Please send me your patches (bartmann.nsd@gmail.com). I'm not getting the errors you've described in my initial tests. Also, what version of boost shipped with FC3? Was it 1.31 or 1.32? Thanks, Bart