Hi Janos, Here's the replies to all the issues you listed. I've checked in all the bug fixes to CVS at boost sourceforge, so you can get an update from there, or wait until the next boost release, which may not be for a while. Cheers, Jeremy g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 boost_web_graph.cpp 2 [thorin] {...libs/graph/example:1812} a.out /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0/boost/graph/detail/adjacency_list.hpp:843: failed assertion `u != v' Abort (core dumped) Exit 134 Fixed. The example was using an undirected graph when it should have been using a directed graph. g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 dag_shortest_paths.cpp 2 [thorin] {...libs/graph/example:1837} a.out 0: 2147483647 1: 0 2: 2 3: 6 4: 5 5: 3 The above is the correct output. The large number represents infinity. There is no path from the source to vertex 0. g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 dave.cpp 2 [thorin] {...libs/graph/example:1840} a.out a --> c d b --> a d c --> f d --> c e f e --> b g f --> e g g --> Starting graph: a 2147483647 (a,c) (a,d) c 2147483647 (c,f) d 2147483647 (d,c) (d,e) (d,f) f 2147483647 (f,e) (f,g) e 2147483647 (e,b) (e,g) g 2147483647 b 2147483647 (b,a) (b,d) infinite loop.............. ^CSegmentation fault (core dumped) Exit 139 Fixed. There was a typo in a recent change to dijkstra_shortest_paths. g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 dijkstra-example.cpp infinite loop... ^CSegmentation fault (core dumped) Exit 139 Fixed. Same bug as with dave.cpp. g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 edge-function.cpp edge-function.cpp:137: failed assertion `exists == true' Abort (core dumped) Exit 134 Fixed. Needed to update the example to match a change that was made to the graph data file. g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 edmunds-karp-eg.cpp a.out (many time run.) The program was waiting for input. You have to pass the input graph through stdin. e.g.: edmunds-karp-eg < max_flow.dat g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 johnson-eg.cpp a.out Segmentation fault Exit 139 I could not reproduce the error. Probably fixed by the previous fix to dijkstra's. g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 max_flow.cpp a.out ^C ^C (many time run) The program was waiting for input. You have to pass the input graph through stdin. e.g.: max_flow < max_flow.dat g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 min_max_paths.cpp a.out Segmentation fault Exit 139 I could not reproduce the error. Probably fixed by the previous fix to dijkstra's. g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 minimum_degree_ordering.cpp /tmp/ccuZOrPG.o: In function `harwell_boeing::harwell_boeing(char *)': /tmp/ccuZOrPG.o(.harwell_boeing::gnu.linkonce.t.(char *)+0x3d): undefined reference to `readHB_info' /tmp/ccuZOrPG.o(.harwell_boeing::gnu.linkonce.t.(char *)+0x71): undefined reference to `IOHBTerminate' /tmp/ccuZOrPG.o(.harwell_boeing::gnu.linkonce.t.(char *)+0xa6): undefined reference to `IOHBTerminate' /tmp/ccuZOrPG.o(.harwell_boeing::gnu.linkonce.t.(char *)+0xe5): undefined reference to `IOHBTerminate' /tmp/ccuZOrPG.o(.harwell_boeing::gnu.linkonce.t.(char *)+0x126): undefined reference to `IOHBTerminate' /tmp/ccuZOrPG.o(.harwell_boeing::gnu.linkonce.t.(char *)+0x13b): undefined reference to `readHB_mat_double' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Exit 1 You also need to compile and link in the iohb.c file. g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 minimum_degree_ordering.cpp /tmp/ccSQnK6n.o: In function `harwell_boeing::harwell_boeing(char *)': /tmp/ccSQnK6n.o(.harwell_boeing::gnu.linkonce.t.(char *)+0x3d): undefined reference to `readHB_info' /tmp/ccSQnK6n.o(.harwell_boeing::gnu.linkonce.t.(char *)+0x71): undefined reference to `IOHBTerminate' /tmp/ccSQnK6n.o(.harwell_boeing::gnu.linkonce.t.(char *)+0xa6): undefined reference to `IOHBTerminate' /tmp/ccSQnK6n.o(.harwell_boeing::gnu.linkonce.t.(char *)+0xe5): undefined reference to `IOHBTerminate' /tmp/ccSQnK6n.o(.harwell_boeing::gnu.linkonce.t.(char *)+0x126): undefined reference to `IOHBTerminate' /tmp/ccSQnK6n.o(.harwell_boeing::gnu.linkonce.t.(char *)+0x13b): undefined reference to `readHB_mat_double' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Exit 1 You also need to compile and link in the iohb.c file. g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 prim-example.cpp a.out /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0/boost/graph/detail/adjacency_list.hpp:843: failed assertion `u != v' Abort (core dumped) Exit 134 Fixed. Example tried to added a self edge to an undirected graph. I took out the self edge. g++ -ftemplate-depth-30 -I /net/cooler/vol/export/proteome/murvai/CC/BOOST/boost_1_26_0 push-relabel-eg.cpp a.out ^C (many time run) The program was waiting for input. You have to pass the input graph through stdin. e.g.: push-relabel-eg < max_flow.dat ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeremy Siek http://php.indiana.edu/~jsiek/ Ph.D. Student, Indiana Univ. B'ton email: jsiek@osl.iu.edu C++ Booster (http://www.boost.org) office phone: (812) 855-3608 ----------------------------------------------------------------------