I am trying to build a program that will display file sizes in human readable form. The file size is in bytes and I am using boost::units to convert the bytes to a binary prefixed unit. Using the example code found here[1], I build a small program to test the library and the output is off by a factor of 8: boost::units::quantityboost::units::information::byte_base_unit::unit_type b = 2048. * boost::units::information::byte_base_unit::unit_type(); std::cout << boost::units::engineering_prefix << b << std::endl; // expected 2.048 kb std::cout << boost::units::symbol_format << boost::units::binary_prefix << b << std::endl; // "expected 2 Kib" but the output on stdout is: 16.384 kb 16 Kib which is 8 times the expected result. The whole example code can be found here[2]. I have tested this code both on Archlinux (boost 1.66.0) as well as Ubuntu Xenial Server (libboost-dev Do you have any idea on how to get the correct output (other than divide the number of bytes by 8 on the input) ? Best regards Simon Doppler [1] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_65_0/doc/html/boost_units/Examples.html#boos... [2] https://dopsi.ch/tmp/main.cpp