Hello everybody, I'm new to this mailing list. The first thing I should say is I love boost and I think it is a great library and I'm really thankful to all its contributors. Now, that being said, I'm sending this email to ask about a feature in the boost::filesystem library that I believe would be valuable to have. Currently the only library that supports file and directory operations in boost is boost::filesystem. Thanks tot hat library I don't have to use platform specific file manipulation rutines for things like copying a file, deleting all files in a directory, iterating through a directory, etc. Now, all the operations in boost::filesystem take a boost::filesystem::path as an object encapsulating a platform independent "path" to a file or a directory. My problem is this path can only be built using a single char (ANSI) character string. This doesn't allow me to use boost::filesystem in windows with Unicode support since I cannot convert a wide string (UTF16) path to a boost::filesystem::path object. I believe it must not be too difficult to add Unicode path support to boost::filesystem since only the "path" class would need to be modified I think. Another small feature I think could be interesting is a convenience function to set the current path (cd operation). There is a function already to get the current path but not to set it. I do not know if this is the right group to ask for these features. If not please point me in the right direction. Thanks a lot Delfin Rojas Delfin@moodlogic.com