David Abrahams
Raoul Gough
writes: [snip] Really seems a bit weird that boost::referent wasn't already invented in the type_traits portion of the library, since it can be applied to any kind of pointer, iterator, etc... Anyway, it has neatened up my code quite a bit, thanks.
It's a little quirky, yet. If you define an iterator with a nested element_type member it will do the wrong thing.
I guess in an ideal world, we would have something like this:
template<typename T> struct handle_traits {
typedef typename T::value_type value_type;
typedef typename T::pointer_type pointer_type;
typedef typename T::reference_type reference_type;
template<typename T> struct iterator_traits : public handle_traits<T> {
typedef typename T::iterator_category iterator_category;
typedef typename T::difference_type difference_type;
Since an iterator is-a handle with additional functionality
(i.e. movability to one extent or another). In the case of
indirect_iterator<T>, we would need valid instantiations for
iterator_traits<T> and handle_traits