On 21 August 2012 13:21, Johannes Brunen
I see two problems running the unit test: 1. I would have to setup the runtime for 64 bit including the mentioned exception mask. 2. I'm not proficient in the usage of the unit test framework.
You just need to build the .cpp file and run it. Each one is a self-contained program - no linking is required, just remember to add boost's root to the include path. So you can use whatever build setup you normally use.
How can I change the hash function used for floats and doubles, respectively? Do you have an example for hashing the binary representation?
I have to write it first. It's a change to the implementation.
I also use the multi_index container with a hashed_index on floats. I see the very same problems lurking on this side. If this is a real problem it might be worth to change the implementation of the hash function in general?
Yes, it's an issue in the hash function not the container.