1. Start at http://www.boost.org/doc/html 2. Click on 12. Boost.Threads 3. Click on Header
in the contents 4. Click on the "class thread;" link This seems pretty intuitive and perfectly acceptable to me.
I replied to Merrill's question because I recognised the difficulty of finding this documentation as something that I had encountered, and continue to encounter from time to time. I suspect that those of you who have been using it for longer have got used to the way that it is organised and do consider it intuitive, but that it not how it has seemed to at least a couple of us "outsiders". Once located the Boost documentation is always good and very often excellent. This makes it a particular shame if it remains hidden. The particular problems that I've encountered are: - The "documentation" link on the front page at boost.org is in a smaller font even than the body text, and is not obviously a link. - The "automatic redirection failed" messages that appear all over the place are disconcerting. - The links to the actual class documentation, e.g. the "class thread;" link in (4) above, are not obviously links. - Links within the documentation often seem to be missing. For example, on the "Chapter 12 Boost.Threads" page, after the "Introduction" heading it looks as if a link is missing before the word "allows". Similarly after the heading "Runtime libraries" something seems to be missing between "using" and "must". Cheers, --Phil.