I tried to build the date_date libraries of Boost 1.31.0 with a gcc
2.95.2 compiler on a SuSE 7.0 Linux system. I discovered several problems:
1. Several header and source files try to include the sstream header
file. This header is not available for gcc 2.95.2. I solved this problem
by using #if defined(BOOST_NO_STRINGSTREAM) ... #else ... #endif
constructions to include the correct header file and use the correct class.
2. In order to trigger the correct header file from error no. 1 the flag
BOOST_NO_STRINGSTREAM must be set. This should be done by the config
system (e.g. in boost/config/compiler/gcc.hpp).
3. I tried to include the date_time header files into a source file that
also uses the Xerces library. This resulted in an error in file
boost/date_time/gregorian_calendar.ipp, function