now, here is the problem.. on every machien I usually do this on, it "autolinks" these libraries.. I have just started to build my code on a new machine, and for some reason it is not autolinking them. So to get my code to work I have to manually add them to my dependencies list and also add the directory where they are located.
You always have to add the directory where they are located. Check that neither BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB nor BOOST_IOSTREAMS_NO_LIB are defined in your source that includes the iostream header. You could also try defining BOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC which will print out which library is being selected for autolinking.
Also, I just now noticed that I am required to have the bzip2 and zlib DLLs to run my application, when before I never needed them.
There should be settings to disable those somewhere, not sure what they are though... and you can RTM as well as me ;-; HTH, John.