On 27 September 2012 18:31, Christian Henning
transform_pixels is gil's attempt to provide the user with STL like transform algorithm. You can use any sort of operation you want which would include pixel conversion.
Yes, that's clear to me.
The scope of copy_and_convert_pixels is suppose to be limited to converting pixels from one format to another. Sure, you could use this function for something else but that's not the intended purpose. Also, copy_and_convert_pixel will use a bunch of conversion algorithms ( see color_convert.hpp ) automatically. transform_pixels is unaware of such operations.
OK, but conceptually the copy_and_convert_pixel is a transform function too. I presume it would be possible to implement it using the transform_pixel. So, as you said, the transform_pixel has much wider application scope, indeed. I simply was missing reference between these two from the docs, but I'm fairly sure many users may consider these algorithms as somewhat similar. Best regards, -- Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net