Rene Rivera wrote: [snip]
On further investigation I found one difference that is pertinent from my runs. When I run bjam with mingw it runs command with temporary batch files. Which one can see with the -d+4 option as "Executing through .bat file" debug messages.
It's not true. There's fragment from my bjam -d+4 output: ... Executing through .bat file Executing command [cmd.exe] [/Q/C] [C:\DOCUME~1\JANUSZ~1\USTAWI~1\Temp\jam1752-00.bat] Executing through .bat file Executing command [cmd.exe] [/Q/C] [C:\DOCUME~1\JANUSZ~1\USTAWI~1\Temp\jam1752-00.bat] Executing raw command directly Executing command [g++] [-Wl,--exclude-symbols,_bss_end__:_bss_start__:_data_end__:_data_start__] [-Wl,--out-implib,bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dll\mingw\d ebug\boost_date_time-mgw-d-1_31.lib] [-g] [-shared] [-mno-cygwin] [-o] ["bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dll\mingw\debug\boost_date_ time-mgw-d-1_31.dll"] ["bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dll\mingw\debug\greg_month. obj"] ["bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dll\mingw\debug\greg_weekda y.obj"] ["bin\boost\libs\date_time\build\boost_date_time.dll\mingw\debug\date_genera tors.obj"] Executing through .bat file Executing command [cmd.exe] [/Q/C] [C:\DOCUME~1\JANUSZ~1\USTAWI~1\Temp\jam1752-00.bat] Executing through .bat file Executing command [cmd.exe] [/Q/C] [C:\DOCUME~1\JANUSZ~1\USTAWI~1\Temp\jam1752-00.bat] ... Linking is executed "raw". But "spawn: invalid argument" message means _mode_ invalid argument, which is P_NOWAIT(valid) in this case. It's something wrong with mingw. Alexis, try update runtime library, or, as Rene writes, vc version of bjam. Regards, Janusz