Dear All,
As it was previously possible to use */_shmem_/* shared memory allocator with STL containers, is it still possible to use the */_interprocess_/* shared memory allocator along with STL containers? If I try to use a STL container with interprocess shared memory allocator, I get the following error:
The general shmem shared memory allocator was never intended to be used with STL containers, because I don't know about any STL implementation that accepts allocators that define allocator::pointer types as non-raw pointers. The only possibility was using fixed address mapping. You can use "fixed_managed_shared_memory" instead of "managed_shared_memory" (it's in the reference but there is no example in the code) to achieve this. allocators created from the segment manager produced by "fixed_managed_shared_memory" create shared memory allocators compatible with STL implementations. Hope this helps. Regards, Ion