24 Oct
24 Oct
7:40 a.m.
In other words my original plan was to use the \\3 instead of writing the pattern;
p = "((a b (f+\\.))d d(f+\\.))";
But I can see that in the original pattern it simply expect the same output to reappear
Is there a way I can use the group naming not to copy the (f+\\.) group?
There are two "kinds" of back references in regular expressions: the "traditional" kind \n matches the same *text* as matched by group #n. However, Perl (and Boost.Regex) have a newer extension called recursive expressions, these execute a regular expression located at grouping n using the (?n) syntax, see http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_56_0/libs/regex/doc/html/boost_regex/syntax/... HTH, John.