Le 12/12/14 10:43, Alexander Carôt a écrit :
Hi Vincente,
I successfully updated to the latest boost in my project but (for some reason) I still encounter the same problem.
My thread is created thus:
boost::thread::attributes attrs;
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(attrs.native_handle(), SCHED_RR);
sendThread = boost::thread(attrs,&sender::sendItThreadFunction,this);
but upon compilation time I get the following error in bind.hpp:
void operator()(type<void>, F & f, A & a, int){ unwrapper<F>::unwrap(f, 0)(a[base_type::a1_], a[base_type::a2_]); /// Error: Type 'boost::thread_attributes‘ does not provide a call operator
I compared this call with the one from the old bind.hpp (of version 1.45) and noticed that both are equal.
Now I wonder if I am still messing it up or if something else is probably wrong.
I suspect that you are using the old version. Please, could you see the result of the pre-processor (option -E with gcc/clang)? Vicente