With boost_1_32_0, i want to find connected components of a filtered
graph. What is an appropriate second argument of algorithm,
connected_components, which is applied to a filtered graph?
The following obviously fails for finding components' ID for each
vertex of filtered graph.
// Filtered graph
Graph g; // graph to be filtered
typedef property_map::type VertexFlagMap;
filter_vertex_flag<VertexFlagMap> v_filter(v_flag);
typedef property_map::type EdgeFlagMap;
filter_edge_flag<EdgeFlagMap> e_filter(e_flag);
typedef filtered_graph< Graph,
filter_vertex_flag<VertexFlagMap> > FGraph;
FGraph fg(g, e_filter, v_filter);
// Connected components
std::vector<int> comp(n_fg);
int n_comp = connected_components(fg,
make_iterator_property_map(comp.begin(), get(vertex_index,fg)));
where n_fg is the number of vertices in the filtered graph.
Instead make
std::vector<int> comp(num_vertices(g));
and iterates over vertices in the filtered graph to see assigned
components' ID, it's fine, but then i need to have extra space than
necessary when a graph to be filtered is large but the filtered one is
quite small.
wondering what is appropriate for the second argument in my case.
Though i tried to find an example in tutorial samples and checked the
ML archive, i could not find a similar question before. i appreciate
any help or "look at here".