I have downloaded Boost and am trying to build the libraries on Solaris 8 with g++ 2.95.3: jam -sBOOST_ROOT=. -sTOOLS=gcc -sBUILD="debug release" The thread library has an error building once.cpp: gcc-C++-action libs/thread/build/bin/libboost_thread/gcc/release/runtime-link-dy namic/threading-multi/once.o g++: unrecognized option `-pthread' libs/thread/build/../src/once.cpp:42: warning: aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer libs/thread/build/../src/once.cpp:138: parse error at end of input g++ -c -Wall -ftemplate-depth-100 -DNDEBUG -O4 -finline-functions -Wno-in line -pthread -I"libs/thread/build" -I"." -o "libs/thread/build/bin/libboost _thread/gcc/release/runtime-link-dynamic/threading-multi/once.o" "libs/thread/b uild/../src/once.cpp" ...failed gcc-C++-action libs/thread/build/bin/libboost_thread/gcc/release/runti me-link-dynamic/threading-multi/once.o ... The Python library seems to have some missing files. Lots of errors of this type: -- In file included from boost/python/detail/base_object.hpp:16, from boost/python/detail/types.hpp:27, from boost/python/detail/call_object.hpp:9, from libs/python/build/../src/types.cpp:11: boost/python/detail/wrap_python.hpp:24: patchlevel.h: No such file or directory boost/python/detail/wrap_python.hpp:100: Python.h: No such file or directory The regex library builds fine, but I get the following errors when I use the gcc.mak makefile to build and run the regression test in libs/regex/test/regress: g++ -pedantic -Wall -I../../../../ -I./ -L../../build/gcc -O2 -o r2 tests.cpp parse.cpp regress.cpp -lboost_regex In file included from ../../../../boost/regex/config.hpp:51, from ../../../../boost/cregex.hpp:27, from ../../../../boost/regex.hpp:31, from tests.cpp:26: ../../../../boost/cstdint.hpp:202: too many `l's in integer constant ../../../../boost/cstdint.hpp:205: #error defaults not correct; you must hand mo dify boost/cstdint.hpp In file included from ../../../../boost/regex/config.hpp:51, from ../../../../boost/cregex.hpp:27, from ../../../../boost/regex.hpp:31, from parse.cpp:25: ../../../../boost/cstdint.hpp:202: too many `l's in integer constant ../../../../boost/cstdint.hpp:205: #error defaults not correct; you must hand mo dify boost/cstdint.hpp In file included from ../../../../boost/regex/config.hpp:51, from ../../../../boost/cregex.hpp:27, from ../../../../boost/regex.hpp:31, from regress.cpp:26: ../../../../boost/cstdint.hpp:202: too many `l's in integer constant ../../../../boost/cstdint.hpp:205: #error defaults not correct; you must hand mo dify boost/cstdint.hpp make: *** [r2] Error 1 I can work around this one by modifying gcc.mak to remove the -pedantic option. I would appreciate any help I can get with the other errors. Are the Python and Threads libraries not supported with my configuration? Thanks, -- Paul M. Dubuc