Hi there ! I am a long time user of Boost, and i have a little question. I am currently developing a C++ based reflection system. which allows me to call methods of a class over this procedure. virtual boost::any Call( const std::string & name,std::vector< boost::any > parameters ); meaning i can call a method like myClass.Call("MyMethod",paramaters ) ; which will invoke "the myClass.MyMethod method.. This all works perfectly. and i generate "function" stubs using preprocessor macros in the implementaiton files of my class to map from boost::any to real data types. e.g METHOD_DECLARE( myClass,myMethod ) METHOD_PARAMETER( int ); METHOD_PARAMETER( std::string ) METHOD_END which "exports" a method from myclass with the given parameters to be callbable over the reflection method. ( myClass.myMethod( int, std::string ); ) Now since i am not so very good in programming with templates e.g for meta programming, i wanted to ask some of the gurus out there :-) if there is a way to use templates somewhoe to generate this function stubs...e.g like in boost:python v.2 so that i only need e.g class_builder <myClass> mybuilder; mybuilder.addMethod( &myClass.myMethod,"MyMethod") and the any to parameter type mapping would be generated automatically ? I hope i made myself clear about the intention, by the way target platform is MSVC 7.0/7.1 or Intel C++ 7.0. ( WIN32 all ) Thanks Bernhard Glueck