On Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 10:05 PM Joaquin M López Muñoz < joaquinlopezmunoz@gmail.com> wrote:
Insert+modify works fine as far as I can see: (http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/eb5dc2b569dff95e )
// C++20, easily portable to older C++ versions
#include #include #include <cassert> #include <string> #include <utility> using namespace boost::multi_index;
struct element { int id; std::string str; };
using container=multi_index_container< element, indexed_by< hashed_unique
> > >; template
auto lazy_emplace(Index& i,int id,Str&& str) { auto p=i.emplace(id,std::string{}); const auto& [it,b]=p; if(p.second)i.modify(it,[&](auto& e){e.str=std::forward<Str>(str);}); return p; } int main() { container c={{0,"hello"}}; std::string str="boost";
auto [it,b]=lazy_emplace(c,0,std::move(str)); assert(b==false&&!str.empty());
std::tie(it,b)=lazy_emplace(c,1,std::move(str)); assert(b==true&&str.empty()); }
Your particular problem hints at the more general issue that Boost.MultiIndex indices do not have something like try_emplace, which is the semantics you're after. The reason why this function is not available is that we have set-like indices, not map-like indices. For instance, this expression
assumes that value_type is constructible from 0 and "hello" *and* that 0 is the key. With Boost.MultiIndex, this assumption does not hold true in general, as the key is gotten via a key extractor and there's no mapping between construction args and keys or anything. That said, the following could be a potentially interesting addition to the library:
c.try_emplace(const Key& k,Args&&... args); where the value is constructed from args... and not from (k,args...), so, going back to your example, the syntax would be:
s.try_emplace(0,0,"hello"); // first 0 is the key, (0,"hello") constructs element
I have to think about this.
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Hi, Thanks for the response. Yes, you are right, I'm looking for an API with semantics like try_emplace and now I understand the complications for it for the case of boost multi_index. I'm currently using emplace + modify API. My initial question was not very clear about this. However, my understanding is that the modify call will try to reposition the node because it can't be sure if the user callback hasn't changed something in the entry which would require repositioning of the node in any of the indices. Is my understanding of the modify API correct? As I'm using hashed + sequenced indices, I know that setting only the mapped_type in the modify call won't cause any repositioning in the both of the above indices. Thus I was trying to avoid the additional work which happens internally in the modify call. BTW, thanks for working on boost::unordered_flat_map because it'll allow us to remove 3rd party dependency from our projects as we are currently using https://greg7mdp.github.io/parallel-hashmap/. Regards, Pavel.