On 26/10/2018 06:03, A Z via Boost-users wrote:
I am aware the the boost multiprecision library is a headers library.
-Is Boost multiprecision accurately arbitrary precision, ie. can have its number precisions and scales always made to a larger number, contingent only to the amount of available OS memory?
This is a very vague question. But: * Yes for some integer types - for example cpp_int and mpz_int are both true arbitrary precision. But... * There are no arbitrary precision floating point types - such types do not really exist in any case (how many digits does Pi have??). But... * There are *variable* precision floating point types - for example mpfr_float where you set the current working precision with the ::precision and ::default_precision member functions.
-If I want to use boost Boost multiprecision on its own, what is the name of the Boost .dll or .lib files that have all the headers in it? I need a minimal set of files in order to run multiprecision on its own.
Huh? .dll's and .libs do not "contain" headers. On it's own, Boost.Multiprecision *does not need any external dll's or .lib's* - that's what "header only" means. But.... Some types in the library may make use of external libraries.... GMP, MPFR etc. You will need to look at the documentation for those libraries for the linking options required, but in general it's pretty simple on Unix like systems: Anything from boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp requires -lgmp Anything from boost/multiprecision/mpfr.hpp requires -lmpfr -lgmp Anything from boost/multiprecision/mpfi.hpp requires -lmpfi -lmpfr -lgmp John. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. https://www.avast.com/antivirus