Hi all, Using Borland C++Builder5 (which has bcc32 5.5.1) I've attempted the tests for indirect_iterator which compile fine. However, the following fails: list< shared_ptr< int > > ctr; void foo( int x ) { } for_each( make_indirect_iterator( ctr.begin() ), make_indirect_iterator( ctr.end() ), foo ); with the first error being: [C++ Error] iterator.h(125): E2404 Dependent type qualifier 'shared_ptr<int>' has no member type named 'difference_type' which then causes a failure to instantiate the iterator_traits. I'm no template guru, so I can make the full error list available if required. Anyone know what's going on? Thanks Steve -- Steve Love: steve.love@essennell.co.uk ACCU - accu.org Promoting Professionalism in Programming