hey there...
I recently downloaded, built, and installed Boost 1.32.
I am attempting to use the Boost Unit Test Framework but am running into difficulties figuring out which lib to link to.
I am compiling with MS VC++ 7.1. The headers appear to be discovered as they should be, but the linker is failing to find the correct lib. I have tried many of the libs which were created by the build, but these all create more errors (typically to do with redefinitions of std:: functions). At this point I am only trying to compile the example code supplied on the projects web site.
Which example?
some of the libs I tried:
libboost_prg_exec_monitor-vc71-mt-1_32.lib libboost_test_exec_monitor-vc71-mt-1_32.lib libboost_unit_test_framework-vc71-mt-1_32.lib
You need only one of the above depending on with component you are using.
some articles I found online advised turning on mutithreading in the compiler properities, enabling run time type identification, and setting exceptions to /EHa
This seems like right direction to look.
I've done all of this but nothing is working, it really just looks like a linker problem.
There isn't much I could help here. It's obviosly some kind of flags mismatch between library and test compilation. What I would recommend to do is add MS VC library project into your solution (they are located in build directory). Compile and use library produced by it. And compare fllags.
Thanks for any help Dave