On Wed, 3 Nov 2010, Vincent Spruyt wrote:
Hi all,
I'm trying to calculate the average edge weight within a certain neighbourhood for each vertex in a tree. Basically, I have a (minimum spanning) tree and I want to remove all edges whose weight is much larger than the weight of edges closeby. The result would be a forrest of several connected components (I'm working on a clustering algorithm).
Currently I naively iterate over each edge. For each edge, I find the source and target vertex. Then, for both the source and the target vertices, I calculate the average weight in a certain neighbourhood using a recursive function as following simplified pseudocode indicates:
E: List of edges in MST
getNeighbourhoodStats( depth, startvertex, edge ){
out_edges = getIncedentEdges(startvertex)
foreach out_edges as out if( out!=edge){ totweight += getWeight(out);
if(depth>0) getNeighbourhoodStats(depth-1, target(out), out)
} end }
main(){ foreach E as e
//Get the total weight on the left of the edge int totweight_left=0; getNeighbourhoodStats( 5, source( e), E, totweight_left )
//Get the total weight on the right of the edge int totweight_right=0; getNeighbourhoodStats( 5, target( e), E, totweight_right ) end }
However, this approach is rather inefficient as a lot of calculations are redundant (takes about 10ms for 300 edges which is way too slow for the purpose I had in mind). Any ideas for a better solution?
I would suggest using dynamic programming. Keep a map from