Aleksey Gurtovoy wrote:
David Abrahams writes:
Hum. Seems a bit counterintuitive that protect doesn't apply equally well to this case.
??? As I tried to explain in my previous reply, 'protect' already has a well-defined semantics in lambda expressions, and it's quite different from what is needed to support "nested scopes". It would be nice to have a single magic primitive that would work the way you want it to work depending on the particular use case at hand, but I for one have no knowledge of how to implement one.
I'm sorry if I'm being thick here, but I can't grasp this. To me protect
looks exactly like what is needed here. I have always thought of
protect as delaying the placeholder substitution one step, so that:
typedef fold<
, map_types
, copy<
, inserter<_1, protect
::type result;
Would work. Changing the protect specialization in boost/mpl/preprocessed/gcc/full_lambda.hpp to this: template< typename T, typename Tag > struct lambda< mpl::protect<T>,Tag, int_<1> > { typedef false_ is_le; typedef T result_; typedef result_ type; }; Makes protect work like I thought it did, and makes the above compile. I don't really understand the workings of lambda, so this probably breaks something else. So what am I missing? Why can't it work like this? -- Daniel Wallin