2009/3/16 John Burgoon
My first question is, when I compile my work on command line using g++: i.e., g++ myfile.cpp -o myfile which of these paths should I include? I think I am supposed to do something like g++ -I /path/to/boost myfile.cpp -o myfile but I do not understand how a person knows which dir to use.
I've never used the macports boost package, but I expect the headers are in '/opt/local/include/boost'. So probably '-I /opt/local/include'.
Another way of asking this is: If YOU sat down at my machine and decided to use boost, what would you do to a)find it
At the command line: port contents boost | less
Is there clear documentation on how a fellow figures out where the install is located
Also at the command line: man port
and then shows how to include it?
I'm not sure. You might get more help on the macports user list.
I also have fink installed on the system, and fink says that boost1.33 is installed. So how in the world do I update fink to accept a later version? When I try to update, fink says no update is needed.
That would be a question for the fink documentation or users list. Although you should be careful if you've got both macports and fink installed as they can interfere with each other. Daniel