At 5:31 PM +0100 12/6/07, Lothar May wrote:
I still have no idea how to solve this problem. This time I'm using the boost patch of the adobe open source library to build boost 1.34.1 as universal binary according to http://opensource.adobe.com/asl_readme.html
A simple program to reproduce the problem is:
--cut here--
#include <iostream> #include
using namespace std; using namespace boost::filesystem;
int main() { try { directory_iterator i("does_not_exist"); } catch(...) { cout << "This is never printed on MacOS 10.5." << endl; } return 0; }
--cut here--
Compile and link as follows (on MacOS 10.5):
g++ test.cpp -lboost_filesystem-mt-1_34_1 -o test
Loads of linker warnings will show up (all of them "ld: warning ... has different visibility ...").
Except for the "catch ( ... )" not catching it, this sounds like a problem that gcc has on Mac OS (and probably elsewhere) having to do with catching exceptions thrown across shared library boundaries. There's an explanation here http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2007/tn2185.html, or you can search the archives of the "carbon-dev" mailing list at lists.apple.com for more information. The basic problem is that when the runtime compares type_info's to see if a catch block can catch the exception, it compares to see _if they have the same address_. This fails, of course, if a shared library and an application each have their own copy of the type_info structure. Mucking with the visibility of the symbols (your "loads of linker warnings" ) can fix this. -- -- Marshall Marshall Clow Idio Software mailto:marshall@idio.com It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.