On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 3:08 PM, Jason Mancini
We worked around this failure by changing:
Func = boost::bind(Func, _1) && boost::bind(&Boom::Oops, _1);
I'm not sure why you would want to "&&" a bind result. I'm not exactly sure what it returns, something pretty close to boost::function, I would imagine, not a bool. Generally bind is useful for "callable things"; functions, functors (function objects), and so on.
Func = boost::bind(AND, Func, &Boom::Oops, _1); // custom AND function
Share more of the context what it is you are actually doing here. This sounds more like a promise/futures, potentially, than a bound function.
Not sure why it used to work, or why it still works with raw pointers, but not shared_ptr. The actual change happens from 1.59 (working) to 1.60 (changed behavior).
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