On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 8:41 AM, "Ulrich Küttler"
Hi all,
I'm new to BGL and I already like it a lot. Right now I'm searching for faces in a planar graph. I use boost::planar_face_traversal, however the results I get are confusing. The example I tested consists of 10 faces of 4 vertices each. See side-graph.dot:
dot side-graph.dot -Tps > side-graph.ps
My test code reads that file and calls both boyer_myrvold_planarity_test and planar_face_traversal. The graph itself seems to be fine, the face traversal fails. Is there anything I do wrong here?
Hi Ulrich, I'd love to help out - can you give a self-contained example that doesn't use read_graphviz and your dot file (e.g., construct the graph in the code)? Or, failing that, maybe just describe what's going wrong and how that differs from what you expect to see? -Aaron