On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 02:04:29PM -0400, Sunil Matta wrote:
Fedora 17 gcc 4.7 Boost: 1_47_0
Your Boost is from mid-2011. Your GCC is from mid-2012. Pretty much all bets are off when using an older Boost than your toolchain.
1) Seems like boost is trying to pull in boost:shared_ptr. Shouldnt this be pulling this from the std namespace now ?
std::shared_ptr is not boost::shared_ptr. boost::shared_ptr is not std::shared_ptr. They differ in capabilities and implementation. Also, most of the world isn't C++11 for a long while.
2) Why are the boost libraries in a stage dir ? i.e. boost_1_47_0/*stage/* lib/libboost_program_options.so.1.47.0 Is this standard now ?
Boost.Build has always performed a 'stage' build if you do not explicitly say 'install'. You may customize the stagedir and install directories with the --stagedir and --prefix/--libdir/--includedir options to b2 (bjam). -- Lars Viklund | zao@acc.umu.se