That requires editing the Jamfile to fix, so that the FO procesor can locate the path to the images, another one "todo" I guess,
Should this "todo" get a higher priority? :-) Is it possible for me to get it done? Thanks for you continuous help. It's really a tough but happy journey for me.
Up until now it's been up to individual library authors to fix up Jamfiles for PDF generation if that's something that they're interested in. One of my long standing TODO's has been to produce a central "build all the docs as individual PDF's" Jamfile so we can automatically turn out PDF's with each release. If you want to try and fix this yourself, then take a look at the changes I added to the Boost.Units Jamfile recently to support better PDF building: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/49620/trunk/libs/units/doc/Jamfil... John.