I have found what I think is a problem with
basic_text_iprimitive/wiprimitive. When linking a windows clr dll (may
happen with other configurations too), if you use both serialization and
wserialization you should not be able to link because of a couple of
symbols defined across two different modules (is_whitespace(char) and
is_whitespace(wchar_t) in basic_text_iprimitive and basic_text_wiprimitive).
I solved the problem by changing this two files and rebuilding boost:
// basic_text_iprimitive.ipp:
bool is_whitespace(char t);
// {
// return 0 != std::isspace(t);
// }
bool is_whitespace(wchar_t t);
// {
// return 0 != std::iswspace(t);
// }
} // detail
// basic_text_iprimitive.cpp:
namespace detail {
template<class CharType>
bool is_whitespace(CharType c);
bool is_whitespace(char t)
return 0 != std::isspace(t);
bool is_whitespace(wchar_t t)
return 0 != std::iswspace(t);
} // detail
2014-09-16 6:32 GMT+02:00 Isaac Lascasas
I have found this on boost 1.56 with msvc12:
Error 119 error LNK2005: "bool __cdecl boost::archive::detail::is_whitespace<char>(char)" (??$is_whitespace@D @detail@archive@boost@@YA_ND@Z) already defined in libboost_wserialization-vc120-mt-1_56.lib(basic_text_wiprimitive.obj) C:\supernova\sb6\src\supernova_clr\libboost_serialization-vc120-mt-1_56.lib(basic_text_iprimitive.obj) Error 120 error LNK2005: "bool __cdecl boost::archive::detail::is_whitespace
(wchar_t)" (??$is_whitespace@ _W@detail@archive@boost@@YA_N_W@Z) already defined in libboost_wserialization-vc120-mt-1_56.lib(basic_text_wiprimitive.obj) C:\supernova\sb6\src\supernova_clr\libboost_serialization-vc120-mt-1_56.lib(basic_text_iprimitive.obj) This code used to link fine with previous boost versions. Now it looks like you can't use both archive and warchive at the same time. I'm using xml warchives for serializing in my code.
Regards. Isaac Lascasas.