On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 4:23 AM, Cristian Morales Vega
By this definition of "completed" shouldn't my sample code be fine?
Actually, running the code under the Visual Studio debugger, I realize now that there are multiple bugs. First, there is the incorrect signature passed to async_completion as you noted. Second, you are using the wrong overload of post. Your code should read: boost::asio::post( this->get_executor(), boost::beast::bind_handler(std::move(init.completion_handler), ec)); The consequence of using the 1-argument version of `post` is that your completion handler will run on a system_executor rather than the executor associated with the I/O service of your object. This can be easily verified in the debugger: https://i.imgur.com/BsZYgHM.png And finally there is the original problem where there is no executor_work_guard for the io_context.
This is not supposed to be a composed operation.
You're right about that, and my apologies for the confusing
terminology. I use "composed operation" to also refer to a particular
style of implementation where a class is written as an invocable
function object and is its own completion handler (disclaimer,
untested code):
template <class Handler>
class composed_op
io_context& ioc_;
Handler h_;