Chris Hoeppler wrote:
using a current boost download from cvs, I encountered the following build problem: the iostreams build seems to somehow pick up the names of the source files of the serialization lib. I am appending the head of the bjam output. Any idea what's going on here?
Hi, Although I'm the author of iostreams, I don't know much about bjam, so I'm not sure what's going on. When I run bjam from the iostreams build directory, it works fine. You might try defining the variable NO_COMPRESSION -- which I guess should be IOSTREAMS_NO_COMPRESSION -- to tell bjam not to look for zlib and gzip. The compression filters are the only part of the iostreams library which are non-trivial to build, and they have caused some problems in the past, which I didn't understand, but which went away by themselves. Jonathan