RE: [Boost-users] Re: [newbie] building serialization library
serialization library makes use of the boost.spirit library for its XML serializations.
the boost.spirit library that comes with boost is now v1.8.x which does not compile on very many compilers, yours is one of them hence the error:)
Serialization library can however use spirit 1.6.x (which probably will work for your compiler), download it at http://spirit.sourceforge.net/ and follow the instructions about setting SPIRIT_ROOT enviroment var in serialization docs, before trying to update
If using spirit 1.6.1 you will get an error saying something like apply_if.hpp does not exist, simply goto the spirit header file that tries to include and comment it out. Im not sure if the very recent spirit 1.6.2 fixed this problem but i don't see why it wouldnt have.
I was asking the same question a few weeks ago, and I can't seem to find my thread anymore however.
P.S Robert Ramey- I got it working so now i can start serializing my plans to conquer the world! :) And thanks for the help
Ray Hilton
"Muruganathan Annamalai"