On Dec 10, 2005, at 10:28 AM, Dmitriy Bufistov wrote:
Hello everybody,
I have desperated to find solution to my, I believe, simple problem
which is in the following:
construct "external" property map for storing edges color, this map
should be suitable for such usage:
It's a problem that is, unfortunately, too hard to solve. We're
working to make this easier in the next release of the BGL. If you're
not overly concerned about performance, you can build a
std::map data;
Then, to turn it into a property map and attach it to
dynamic_properties, use:
boost::dynamic_properties p;
p.property("color", make_assoc_property_map(data));
So, what's Compare? If your graph has no parallel edges, you can
order based on the source and target of the two edges, e.g.,
source(u, g) < source(v, g) || (source, u, g) == source(v, g) &&
target(u, g) < target(v, g))
Alternatively, if you're using adjacency_list you can use this little
struct edge_less_than
: public std::binary_function {
bool operator()(const edge_descriptor& __x, const
edge_descriptor& __y) const
return __x.second.get_property() < __y.second.get_property();
There's a bit more information here: