Cromwell Enage writes:
David Abrahams wrote:
(The one restriction is that you must put all your positional arguments before your named ones, so use this particular feature with care.)
is false. It doesn't make much sense to do otherwise, but it will work.
Okay. I'll just say, "Use this particular feature with care."
I don't see why that would be any more dangerous
--- David Abrahams wrote: than using
only positional arguments.
Hmmm. What should I tell the user about these features? Should I present a small "Best Practices" outline, or will a general "Pros & Cons" table work better? Or is it best to say nothing in this case? Cromwell D. Enage __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com