I am running FC4 with gcc4.0.1 and I installed boost-devel using yum. When I compile with gcc and run the serialization example located at http://www.boost.org/libs/serialization/example/demo.cpp I have no problems. However, the project I am working on requires that I use compatgcc32 for compilation. When I compile with gcc32 and run the same example I get the following output with a seg fault: original schedule 6:24 bob 0x0x8ede5b8 34\uffff135'52.56" 134\uffff22'78.3" 24th Street and 10th Avenue 0x0x8ede5e0 35\uffff137'23.456" 133\uffff35'54.12" State street and Cathedral Vista Lane 0x0x8edeb50 35\uffff136'15.456" 133\uffff32'15.3" White House 9:57 bob 0x0x8ede5b8 34\uffff135'52.56" 134\uffff22'78.3" 24th Street and 10th Avenue 0x0x8ede5e0 35\uffff137'23.456" 133\uffff35'54.12" State street and Cathedral Vista Lane 0x0x8edeb50 35\uffff136'15.456" 133\uffff32'15.3" White House 11:2 alice 0x0x8ede5b8 34\uffff135'52.56" 134\uffff22'78.3" 24th Street and 10th Avenue 0x0x8ede5e0 35\uffff137'23.456" 133\uffff35'54.12" State street and Cathedral Vista Lane 0x0x8edeb50 35\uffff136'15.456" 133\uffff32'15.3" White House 7:17 ted 0x0x8edeb78 35\uffff134'48.789" 133\uffff32'16.23" Lincoln Memorial 0x0x8edeb50 35\uffff136'15.456" 133\uffff32'15.3" White House 0x0x8ede5e0 35\uffff137'23.456" 133\uffff35'54.12" State street and Cathedral Vista Lane 9:38 ted 0x0x8edeb78 35\uffff134'48.789" 133\uffff32'16.23" Lincoln Memorial 0x0x8edeb50 35\uffff136'15.456" 133\uffff32'15.3" White House 0x0x8ede5e0 35\uffff137'23.456" 133\uffff35'54.12" State street and Cathedral Vista Lane 11:47 alice 0x0x8edeb78 35\uffff134'48.789" 133\uffff32'16.23" Lincoln Memorial 0x0x8edeb50 35\uffff136'15.456" 133\uffff32'15.3" White House Segmentation fault I am guessing this is because of different compilers being used or different versions of libstdc++ being required but I am able to compile and run examples using other Boost libraries without problems. Is there any way around this? thanks, Sebastien Gerega