Thorsten Ottosen wrote:
I am myself irritated by the need to say
using namespace boost; some_range_fun( r );
if nothing else, then because it is not super portable in itself.
My suggestion have been to allow
to support ADL via the requirement that users implement
Can you confirm that this would remove the present problems with gcc?
If so, I will propose this on the developer list and make it part of 1.33
I admit I've only skimmed the ongoing discussion, but something like what you are suggesting here should work, I think. How about this: namespace boost { namespace range_detail_ { template<typename T> typename range_iterator<T>::type boost_range_begin(T& t) { // ... } template<typename T> typename range_iterator<T>::type begin(T& t) { // this uses ADL return boost_range_begin(t) } } // namespace range_detail_ using range_detail_::begin; } Recommended practice would be to always use qualified calls to boost::begin, and then let users define overloads of boost_range_begin in their own namespace and let ADL find it. Does that satisfy everybody's concerns? (Probably not, but it couldn't hurt to ask, right?) -- Eric Niebler Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com