Can you give an example of the expected XML output and the actual XML output? What is MyColorsObject? Can you provide a complete minimal example? --Raoul
Op 3 feb. 2017 om 17:27 heeft Robert P
het volgende geschreven: In my serialize function I am exporting a class which is a template wrapper around std:vector.
template <typename E> class MyArray { public: vector<E> array; ...
template <typename Archive> void MyArray::serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(array); }
When I add unique class instance variables to this array and then serialize it to XML... ... MyArray<Color> colorsArray;
Color a; a.name = "one"; colorsArray.add(a);
Color b; b.name = "two"; colorsArray.add(b); ...
template <typename Archive> void MyColorsObject::serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(colorsArray); }
Sometimes the XML comes out using object_id_reference instead of the unique values, and this then gets improperly unserialized with incorrect values, i.e. both colors will have "one" as the name.
I was able to disable object tracking and it works now, but I don't think it should be doing object reference tracking on instance variables. Is it because of the template wrapper around vector? _______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list Boost-users@lists.boost.org http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-users