You should be able to equally well use zip_iterator's, or, if supported by Boost.Range, something like a make_zip_range. zip_iterators are AFAIK not even writeable. At least i remember a discussion about this issue. Also, zip iterators use tuples which are compared lexicographically, which is not what i want. The third thing was, that i would like more meaningful member names than get<0> and get<1> or first/second. so my strcture uses instead key/value
Hmmm...how is this resolved in C++11? AFAIK, C++11 still uses the old archaic iterator categories and requires a real C++ reference as the reference type of forward iterators. Okay, than it is not resolved :-(.
I agree, this is a deficiency in the standard. Unfortunately, maybe the only thing you can do to guarantee this works in a portable way is to code up your own introsort [1] implementation :/ and unfortunately, sort is not the only algorithm required...partition, stable_partition, random_shuffle...*sigh* maybe i can implement partition/stable partition and use this for a sort? at least in my use case this should be a good solution...
Greetings, Oswin