I'm developing a windows application using boost libraries.
Unfurtunately, some parameters of it are totally out of my control,
nor I have the leverage needed to change it. Namely,
- the application *must* use Visual C++ 9.0 runtime
- the IDE to be used is capped at Visual Studio 2013
- to avoid problems with other related projects, the boost release
should be 1.54.0 (here I have a modicum of liberty, as far as the
previous two conditions are
I may live whit all of the above, however Intellisense has some
glitches that are annoying me. For one, it appears unable to recognize
the boost::asio::ip namespace. If I define a variable as, for instance
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint ep;
Intellisense marks 'ip' in red and keeps saying that ep is undefined
(and consequently doesn't offer completion for its methods). I have
tried including directly boost/asio/ip/udp.hpp and also putting an
"using boost::asio::ip::udp" before the above definition as in