One thing you could interprocess's win32_api.hpp, there is another implementation of get_last_bootup_time() which uses WMI instead of the event log (there were warnings in the source about WMI not supporting hibernation/clock changes correctly, so beware). If you define BOOST_INTERPROCESS_BOOTSTAMP_IS_LASTBOOTUPTIME it should use that other version...give that a try. (in visual studio Project Properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions: add a semi colon ';' then t
Thanks Tom, I'll try to fallback to the "old" WMI version (which BTW worked in the 1.44 version I we used before) I'd also be glad to fix it by myself and so help boost developement, , but I do not completely understand the usage of the system boot time... If boost needs in some way a tmestamp to differentiate things, in my opinion there are plenty of them to use instead of the last boot time. Obviously it has been done for a reason, but I cannot understand why :-D Best regards Lorenzo