Hi Alex, Am Dienstag, 26. Juli 2016, 16:45:35 CEST schrieb Alexander Carôt:
Hi all, after having switched from OSX and Linux to Windows 10
Yes, Windows is harder than the other two.
I have issues compiling boost (1.61)with the MinGW compiler.
Well, with which MinWG actually? There are several versions out there.
The very first step fails:
bootstrap.bat mingw results in not finding a right path, denying access and aborting the installation.
Which error messages?
So far I only found this article: https://andres.jaimes.net/698/use-c-with-mingw-and-netbeans-in-windows/
I usually advise to use MinGW-w64 and/or MSys2.
but it does not contain further info how (and where) to add additional info (I added c:\MinGW\bin to my PATH but it didn’t help).
Please provide error messages, commandline invocations and the generated project-config.jam Yours, Jürgen -- * Dipl.-Math. Jürgen Hunold ! * voice: ++49 4257 300 ! Fährstraße 1 * fax : ++49 4257 300 ! 31609 Balge/Sebbenhausen * jhunold@gmx.eu ! Germany